CONTINUOUS DUTY - In some portable cords there are two standard number of strands of a given wire size. The one with the greater number (most flexible) is called continuous duty and the other is called stationary duty.
CONTINUOUS VULCANIZATION - The process of extruding on a wire, under high pressure, a uniform seamless, close-fitting tube of a rubber or rubberlike compound. The covered wire then continues into a vulcanizing chamber, where, under high pressure and temperature, the insulation or jacket is vulcanized continuously rather than in sections. Abbreviated as cv.
CONTROL CABLE - A cable used for remote control operation of any type of electrical power equipment.
COPO - Abbreviation for copolene. See copolene.
COPOLENE - Copolene is a dielectric material used in manufacturing coaxial cable. Developed as a substitute for polystyrene, it is composed of polystyrene and polyisobutlyene. Since it has undesirable characteristics, it has been replaced by polyethylene. Abbreviated as copo.
COPOLYMER - A compound resulting from the polymerization of two different monomers.
COPPER CONSTANTAN - Copper and constantan are two materials used in making the rmocouple wires. The copper is the positive wire and the constantan is the negative wire.
COPPER-CLAD - Steel wire with a coating of copper welded to it, as distinguished from copper-plated. Abbreviated CCS. Same as Copperweld®. Copperweld® is a trademark of the Copperweld Steel Company.
COPPERWELD® - Copperweld® is the trade name for copper covered steel wire manufactured by Copperweld Steel Company. It is made by an exclusive molten welding process whereby a thick copper covering is inseparably welded to a steel core. Copperweld® thus performs as one metal. Hot rolling, cold drawing, pounding, or temperature changes cannot adversely affect it. Abbreviated as cw.
CORD - A small, flexible insulated conductor or conductors, usual 10 AWG or smaller and not more than four conductors, jacketed to protect the conductors, and most often used for portable applications.
CORD SETS - Portable cords fitted with any type of wiring device at one or both ends.
CORE - a). In cables, a component or assembly of components over which additional components (shield, sheath, etc.) are applied. b). In fiber optic cable, the central part of the glass construction through which light is transmitted.