AMPACITY - See current carrying capacity.
AMPERE - The unit expressing the rate of flow of an electrical current. One ampere is the current flowing through one ohm resistance with one volt potential. Abbreviated as amp.
AMPLIFIER - A device usually employing electron tubes or transistors to obtain amplification of voltage, current, or power.
AN - Literally “aircraft number”. For example, AN-6 signifies a wire size of No. 6 AWG.
ANALOG - Being or relative to a mechanism in which data is represented by continuously varying physical quantities. Opposite - digital.
ANNEALED WIRE - Wire which has been softened by heating and gradually cooling. Also called soft drawn wire.
ANNULAR CONDUCTOR - An annular conductor consists of a number of wires stranded in three reverse concentric layers around a saturated hemp core.
ANODE - Positive pole of an electric source. Opposite - cathode.
ANSI - Abbreviation for American National Standards Institute. A federation of trade, technical, professional organizations, government agencies, and consumer groups. Coordinates standards development and publishes standards. Operates a voluntary certification program. Used to be called the American Standards Association (ASA).
ANTENNA WIRE - A wire usually of high tensile strength such as Copperweld®, bronze, etc., with or without insulation used as an antenna for radio and electronic equipment. Copperweld® is a trademark of the Copperweld Steel Company.
ANTIOXIDANT - A substance which prevents or slows down oxidation of material exposed to air.
APPROX. - Abbreviation for approximate.
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