MT - Abbreviation for machine tool wire used for internal wiring of appliances or tools. Solid or stranded conductor. Thermoplastic insulations.
MTW - Abbreviation for machine tool wire, plastic insulated, 600 volt, varies 90° C to 105° C.
MULTI-CONDUCTOR - More than one conductor within a single cable complex.
MULTI-MODE FIBER - An optical fiber whose core diameter is large compared with the optical wavelength and thus can contain a large number of modes.
MULTIPLEX - Being or relating to a system of transmitting several messages/signals simultaneously on the same circuit or channel.
MV - Abbreviation for millivolt, one-thousandth (10-3) of a volt.
MW - a) Abbreviation for megawatt, one million (106) watts. b) Abbreviation for milli watt. One-thousandth (10-3) of a watt. c) Usually, used in reference to one thousand (1,000) volt plastic insulated wire covered by MIL-W-76.
MY - Abbreviation for Mylar®. See Mylar®. Mylar® is a trademark of the DuPont de Nemours Co. Also abbreviated as M.
MYLAR® - Trade name for DuPont de Numerous Co. polyester material (polyethylene terephtalate) used in the form of a tape. A synthetic compound with high dielectric properties. Abbreviated as MY and M.
N - a) Abbreviation for newtons. See newton. b) Abbreviation for nichrome.
N/A - Abbreviation for not applicable.
NA - Abbreviation for numerical aperture. See numerical aperture.