NICKEL-CLAD COPPER WIRE - A wire with a layer of nickel on a copper core where the area of the nickel is approximately 30% of the conductor area. The nickel has been rolled and fused to the copper before drawing. It has a very high resistivity and can operate at extremely high temperatures. Abbreviated NCC and NC.
NICROME® - Driver Harris Company’s trade name for an alloy of 60% nickel, 16% chromium, and the balance steel. Used exclusively in wire wound resistors and heating elements.
nm - Abbreviation for nanometer. One-billionth (10-9) of a meter.
NMC - Abbreviation for Naval Material Command. Central Navy agency for the development, procurement, maintenance, supply, disposal, distribution, and storage of material. Includes the following Systems Commands; the Naval Ships Systems Command (NAVSHIPS), the Naval Ordnance Systems Command (NAVORD), the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), the Naval Electronics Systems Command (NAVELEX), the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), and the Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP).
NO. - Abbreviation for number.
NOM. - Abbreviation for nominal.
NOMEX® - DuPont de Nemours Co. trademark for a temperature resistant, flame-retardant nylon.
NON CONTAMINATING - Refers to a type of PVC jacketing material whose plasticizer will not migrate into the dielectric of a coaxial cable and thus avoids contaminating and destroying the dielectric.
NON HYGROSCOPIC - Material does not absorb moisture.
NON MIGRATING - Same as non contaminating.
NONFERROUS - Not of iron. Refers to alloys which have no iron or steel as ingredients.
NPC - Abbreviation for nickel-plated copper. Also abbreviated as NC.