OVERLOAD - Any load delivered at the output of an electrical device, circuit, machine, or other apparatus that exceeds the rated output of the equipment.
OXIDIZE - To change (a compound) by increasing the proportion of the electronegative part or charge (an element or ion) from a lower to a higher positive valence; remove one or more electrons from an atom, ion, or molecule.
OXYGEN BOMB TEST - To determine aging effect, heat, tensile strength, and elongation of wire. The wire is placed in a bomb at 70° C, under 300 psi using pure oxygen gas for a period of 48 to 96 hours.
OXYGEN INDEX - Percentage of oxygen necessary to support combustion of a specified material.
OZ - Abbreviation for ounce.
OZONE - Form of oxygen produced by discharge of electricity into air. Chemical symbol O2.
P BAND - A band of microwave frequencies. See frequency band.
P/N - Abbreviation for part number.
PAIR - Two insulated wires of a single circuit associated together.
PAIRING - The union of two insulated single conductors through twisting.
PAN CURED - Method of vulcanizing. Coils of unvulcanized insulated wire are coiled in pans and vulcanized under pressure with live steam.
PAP - A commonly used term for air core (unfilled) direct burial telephone cable with a corrugated aluminum shield.