PORTABLE POWER CABLE - Extra flexible, all rubber insulated to allow hard usage. Some cables have additional protection of shielded conductors, metallic or nonmetallic, and can have Neoprene® sheath overall. Neoprene® is a trademark of the DuPont de Nemours Co.
POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE - The difference in electric potential between two points, equal to the line integral of the electric field strength between points. If a charge is moved from one to the other of the points by any path, the work done is equal to the product of the potential difference per unit length.
POTTING - The sealing of a cable termination or other component with a liquid which thermosets into an elastomer making the joint moisture proof or air tight.
POWER CABLE - A cable of various sizes, various constructions, and insulations used to supply power to a variety of types of equipment.
POWER FACTOR - The ratio of resistance, R, to impedance, Z. The ratio of the actual power of an alternating current to apparent power. Mathematically, the cosine of the angle between the voltage applied and the current resulting.
POWER FREQUENCY - The frequency at which domestic and industrial mains electricity is supplied and distributed. In the U.K. the standard value is 50 hertz; in the U.S. it is 60 hertz.
POWER LINE - See transmission line.
POWER RATING - AC voltage that can be applied between adjacent conductors.
POWER RATIO - The ratio of power appearing at the load to the input power. Expressed in db, it is equal to 10 log10 (P1/P2) where Pis input power and P2 is the power at the load.
PPE - Abbreviation for polypropylene ethylene.
PRESSURE CABLE - Oil impregnated, paper insulated conductors. Lead or steel pipe outer covering, in which positive pressure is constantly maintained. Has higher dielectric strength, greater insulation stability, increased current-carrying capacity, and saves space.
PRICE’S GUARD WIRE - A wire conductor used to prevent surface leakage current associated with an insulator from reaching the measuring instrument during determination of insulation resistance, particularly of cables.
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