RF - a) Abbreviation for radio frequency. b) Tinned copper conductors, rubber insulation, cotton braid saturated with moisture resisting, flame-retarding compound, smoothly finished in white, black, red, green, blue, and yellow for identification. The lubricated surface finish of the wire permits easy pulling through conduits.
RF CONNECTOR - Connector used for connecting or terminating coaxial cable.
RFI - Abbreviation for radio frequency interference.
RG - Abbreviation for Radio Frequency (Government). Prefix for many coaxial cables.
RHRW - Tinned copper conductors, rubber insulation, saturated braid, flame and moisture resistant finish for moist locations.
RHW - 75° C rubber insulated. Heat and moisture resistant insulation with an outer cover of moisture resistant, flame-retardant and a nonmetallic covering. Generally used in wet locations.
RIBBON CABLE - A flat cable with individually insulated conductors processed together in a parallel position. Conductors may be all in one color, or each individual conductor may be of a different color.
RIDGE MARKER - One or more ridges running laterally along the outer surface of plastic wire for purposes of identification.
RIGID COAXIAL CABLE - Non flexible coaxial cable, usually a metal tube armored coaxial cable.
RIGID WAVEGUIDE - A type of coaxial cable. A metal form (usually an extrusion) using air as a dielectric.
RIM Helix - Abbreviation for resin insulated magnet wire.
RIP CORD - A parallel construction of two or more insulated conductors which may be easily separated leaving the insulation of the conductors undisturbed.
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