STANCOTE® - Standard Wire & Cable Co. trade name for plastic insulated wire.
STANDING WAVE RATIO - In a transmission line, waveguide or analogous system, a figure of merit used to express the efficiency of the system in transmitting power, specifically taking into account the mismatch between source, line, and load. The standing wave ratio S is given by the formula:
S = Vmax / Vmin = Imax / Imin
In an ideally matched system, S=1 indicating the presence of a pure traveling wave and no reflected power. As the proportion of power reflected increases, S approaches infinity, which value would indicate a pure standing wave.
STANFLELEX® - Standard Wire & Cable Co. trade name for rubber jacketed portable cords and cables.
STATIC - Disturbing effects produced in a radio, telephone, or television receiver by atmospheric or various natural or man-made electrical disturbances.
STATIONARY DUTY - See continuous duty.
STEP INDEX - In fiber optics the refractive index profile characterized by a uniform refractive index within the core and a sharp decrease at the core cladding interface. It usually refers to a multi-mode fiber.
STRAND - A single uninsulated wire.
STRANDED CONDUCTOR - A conductor made with a specified number of strands. Rope lay strand, for example, is a conductor made of multiple groups of strands (filaments). A 7 x 19 rope lay strand has 19 wires laid into a group and then seven such groups cabled laid into a conductor.
STRENGTH MEMBER - Included in a cable configuration for purposes of adding tensile strength only. Does not conduct any power or signal.
STRIP INSULALATIONS - Strip process insulation consists of one or more longitudinal strips of unvulcanized thermosetting material folded around a conductor and vulcanized after application.
SUBMARINE CABLE - Cable used underwater from one point to another for power or communication. Lead sheath and/or rubber jacket.
SUBSTRATE - Insulating material of a printed circuit.
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