TP-PMD - Abbreviation for twisted pair physical medium dependent.
TPDDI - Abbreviation for twisted pair distributed data interface.
TPE - A highly flexible jacket material of thermoplastic elastomer.
TR - Abbreviation for (certified) test reports. See certified test reports
TRACER STRIPE - When color coding is accomplished by more than one stripe on the same wire. The first stripe, or widest, is called the base stripe, the others, usually narrower, are called tracer stripes.
TRANSFER MOLD - A type of rubber mold. The term derived from the method used of moving the compound into the cavity of the mold. The compound is forced or transferred by pressure, from a cavity in the top of the mold through sprues, into the lower section.
TRANSFORMER - A device for transferring electrical energy in an AC circuit by means of electromagnetic induction. Each circuit is represented by a winding around a common magnetic core, the ratio of the voltage in the two circuits being (in an ideal transformer) equal to the ratio of the number of turns. From Ohm’s Law and the Conservation of Energy Principle, it follows that (except for losses) the product of current and voltage is the same in both circuits.
TRANSMISSION LINE - Synonymous with power line. One or more insulated conductors arranged to transmit electrical energy signals from one locality to another.
TRANSMITTER - A driver and a source used to change electrical signals to optical signals.
TRAP WIRE - A low voltage wire used at hinge points, where severe flexing occurs, usually in burglar alarm systems. It is made with tinsel conductor to withstand the repeated flexing.
TRAY - A metal raceway for holding cable.
TRAY CABLE - A factory assembled multi-conductor control, signal, and power cable specifically approved under the NEC for installation in trays.