VERY LOW FREQUENCY - See frequency band. Abbreviation VLF.
VHF - Abbreviation for very high frequency. See frequency band.
VIDEO PAIR CABLE - A transmission cable containing low loss pairs with an impedance of 125 ohms. Used for TV pick ups, closed circuit TV, telephone carrier circuits, etc.
VITON® - A synthetic family of elastomer for high performance jacketing material. It possesses very good resistance to chemicals, heat, fire, and good mechanical properties. Viton® is a trademark of DuPont Dow Elastomers.
VLF - Abbreviation for very low frequency. See frequency band.
VOLT - A unit of measure of electromotive force. One volt is the amount of pressure that will cause one ampere of current in one ohm of resistance. Abbreviation V.
VOLTAGE - The term most often used in place of electromotive force, potential, potential difference, or voltage drop to designate the electric pressure that exists between two points and is capable of producing a current when a close circuit is connected between two points.
VOLTAGE BREAKDOWN - A test to determine maximum voltage of insulated wire before electrical current leakage through insulation occurs.
VOLTAGE RATING - The highest voltage which may be applied to a wire or cord for continuous service in conformance with the governing standards or specifications.
VOLUME RESISTIVITY (SPECIFIC INSULATION RESISTANCE) - The electrical resistance between opposite faces of a 1 centimeter cube of insulating material, commonly expressed in ohms per centimeter.
VS. - Abbreviation for versus.
VSWR - Abbreviation for Voltage Standing Wave Ratio. The ratio of the voltage maximum to voltage minimum which exists in a transmission line. Caused when there is reflection of incident wave, due to a discontinuity or improper match to the transmission line (see Standing Wave Ratio).