BUFFER (TUBE) - Metallic or nonmetallic tube used to protect optical fibers from physical damage, providing mechanical isolation and/or protection.
BUILDING WIRE - Commercial wires used in the building trades such as:Types RR, RH, RL,TW,THW, and THHN wires. General used for light and power, 600 volts or less, usually not exposed to outdoor environment.
BUNA RUBBER - A synthetic rubber used as a replacement for natural rubber.
BUNCH STRANDING - A conductor in which all individual wires are twisted in the same direction without a predetermined pattern.
BURIAL CABLE - A cable installed directly in the earth without use of an underground conduit. Also called “direct burial cable.”
BUS (BUS BAR) - A conductor, often a heavy strap or bar, used to make a common connection between several circuits.
BUTT BRAIDER - A machine used for braiding or shielding cable or wire. It may be 8, 16, 24, 32, 48, or 64 carriers. These braiders are manufactured by New England Butt Company and operate on the maypole type principal.
BUTYL - Used for any of various synthetic rubbers made by polymerizing isobutylene.
BX - A very common type of armored building wire in various configurations, rated at 600 volt.
c - Abbreviation for centimeter. Also abbreviated cm.
C - Abbreviation for Centigrade. A scale for measuring temperature, water freezes at 0° C and boils at 100° C. See Celsius temperature scale.
C PE - Abbreviation for chlorinated polyethylene, a conductive polyethylene.
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