CAPACITANCE - Capacitance is that property of a system of conductors and dielectrics which permits the storage of electricity when potential differences exist between the conductors. The value depends largely on the surface area of the plates, distance between them, and the composition of the medium between the plates. Abbreviation CAP. The unit of measure is farad (f).
CAPACITANCE, DIRECT - The capacitance measured directly from conductor to conductor through a single insulating layer.
CAPACITANCE, MUTUAL - The capacitance between two conductors with all other conductors, including shield, short-circuited to ground.
CAPACITANCE, UNBALANCED - An inequality of capacitance between the wires of two or more pairs which results in a transfer of unwanted signal from one pair to others.
CAPACITANCE, UNBALANCED to GROUND - An inequality of capacitance between the ground ca- pacitance of the conductors of a pair which results in a pick up of external source energy, usually from power transmission lines.
CAPACITIVE COUPLING - Electrical interaction between two conductors caused by the capacitance between them.
CATEGORY 1 - A UL designation for inside telephone cable for voice. Also referred to as Level 1.
CATEGORY 2 - A UL designation for inside telephone cable for voice. Also referred to as Level 2.
CATEGORY 3 - A UL designation for inside telephone cable that is the lowest performance level recom- mended for voice. Also referred to as Level 3.
CATEGORY 4 - A UL designation for inside cable for Data Grade UTP. Also referred to as Level 4.
CATEGORY 5E - A UL designation for inside data cable that is the lowest performance level recom- mended for enhanced 350 MHz data cable. Also referred to as Level 5.
CATEGORY 6 - A UL designation for inside datacable that is the highest performance data cable.