CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (CONFOR- MANCE) - A certificate which is normally generated by a quality control department which shows that the product being shipped meets the customer’s specifications. Abbreviation C of C, sometimes referred to as CERTS.
CERTIFIED TEST REPORTS - A report providing actual test data on a cable. Tests are normally run by a quality control department which show that the product being shipped conforms to test specifications. Abbreviation CTR or TR.
CERTS - Abbreviation for certificate of compliance. See certificate of compliance.
CF - The designation for cotton fixture wire. It is a cotton insulated, impregnated with moisture resisting, flame-retarding compound. It is used in lighting fixtures up to 90° C.
CF GLASS - Means continuous filament glass yarn which is used in braiding, in making glass fabric, and glass thread.
CFT - The abbreviation for 100 feet.
CHARACTERISTIC IMPEDANCE - a) The impedance that when connected to the output terminals of a transmission line of any length, makes the line appear infinitely long. b) The ratio of voltage to current at every point along a transmission line on which there are no standing waves.
CHEMICALLY CURED COMPOUND - Those com- pounds which are cured by chemical process rather than by heat and pressure.
CHLORO - Abbreviation for chloroprene. See chloroprene.
CHLOROPRENE - A colorless liquid C4H5Cl. Abbreviated as chloro.
CHLOROSULFONATED POLYETHYLENE - A synthetic rubber, made by DuPont de Nemours Co. Resistant to oxidation by ozone, sun, weather, heat, and chemicals, rated 90° C. Abbreviated CP or CSPE. Trade name is Hypalon® which is a trademark of the DuPont de Nemours Co.
CHROMATIC DISPERSION - Different wavelengths travel along an optical medium at different speeds. Wavelengths reach the end of the medium at different times, causing the light pulse to spread. This chromatic dispersion is expressed in picoseconds (of dispersion) per kilometer (of length) per nanometer (of source bandwidth). It is the sum of material and waveguide dispersion.