CL3X - Abbreviation for Class 3 cable, limited use.
CLADDING - a) In fiber optics the layer of material, usually glass, that immediately surrounds the fiber core of optical fiber cable. The cladding is usually coated with another material to provide protection when handling. b) A method of applying a layer of metal over another metal whereby the junction of the two metals is continuously welded.
CLEAVING - The process of separating an optical fiber by a controlled fracture of the glass, for the purpose of obtaining a fiber end, which is flat, smooth, and perpendicular to the fiber axis.
cm - Abbreviation for centimeter. Also abbreviated c.
CM - a) Abbreviation for communication general purpose cable. b) Abbreviation for circular mil. See circular mil.
CMP - Abbreviation for communication plenum cable.
CMR - Abbreviation for communication riser cable.
CMX - Abbreviation for communication cable, limited use.
COATING - A material applied to the surface of a conductor to prevent environmental deterioration, facilitate soldering, or improve electrical performance.
COAX - See coaxial cable.
COAXIAL CABLE - A cable in which one conductor completely surrounds the other, the two being coaxial and separated by a continuous solid dielectric or by dielectric spacers. When the outside conductor is grounded, the inside conductor is not susceptible to external fields from outside sources. Commonly called coax.
COIL - A coiled conductor, wound on a form or core which uses electromagnetic induction to cause changes in a current.