KOVAR - An alloy of iron, nickel, and cobalt.
kV - Abbreviation for kilovolt (1,000 volts). See kilovolt.
kVA - Abbreviation for kilovolt ampere (1,000 volt ampere). See kilovolt ampere.
kW - Abbreviation for kilowatt (1,000 watts). See kilowatt
KYNAR® - Trademark of the Pennwalt Corporation for polyvinylidene fluoride. See polyvinylidene fluoride.
L - Symbol for inductance. See inductance.
LACQUER FINISH - A finish applied over braided wire or cable for appearance, for moisture proofing, to reduce friction, and resist abrasion.
LAMINATES - A buildup of layers of material to increase thickness as in braid varnished cambric (VCB).
LAMP CORD - Flexible stranded conductor cord, rubber or plastic insulated, used in wiring of lamps, household fans, and similar appliances. Not subject to hard usage. UL approved.
LAN - Abbreviation for Local Area Network. See local area network.
LAPEL MIKE CABLE - Small O.D., flexible microphone cable.
LASER - Acronym from light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. A source of intense monochromatic coherent radiation in the visible, ultraviolet, or infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. The narrow beam can be either pulsed or continuous.