LF - Abbreviation for low frequency. See frequency band.
LINE VOLTAGE - The voltage existing in a cable or circuit.
LITZ WIRE - Short for litzendraht wire. A construction of fine individually insulated strands specially woven or braided together to reduce skin effect and thus lower resistance to high frequency currents.
LOCAL AREA NETWORK - A baseband or broadband interactive bidirectional communication system for voice, video, or data use on a common cable medium. Abbreviation LAN.
LONGITUDINAL SHIELD - A tape shield, flat or corrugated, applied longitudinally with the axis of the core being shielded.
LOOP RESISTANCE - The total resistance of two conductors measured round-trip from one end.
LOOSE TUBE (BUFFER) - A type of cable construction in which the fiber is placed in a plastic tube with a diameter much larger than the fiber itself. The loose tube isolates the fiber from exterior mechanical forces acting on the cable. The space between the tube and fiber is often filled with a gel which serves to cushion the fiber.
LOSS FACTOR - The product of the dissipation and dielectric constant of an insulating material.
LOW FREQUENCY - See frequency band.
LOW LOSS - A cable that has a small amount of power loss when extended over long lengths.
LOW NOISE - A cable constructed in such a manner as to reduce to a minimum any signals generated by the motion of the cable components in respect to each other. Used to reduce the noise level in coaxial or microphone cable circuits.
LOW TENSION - Low voltage as applied to ignition cable.
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