LATEX - Rubber material used for insulation of wire.
LAUNCH FIBER - An optical fiber used to couple and condition light from an optical source into an optical fiber. Often the launch fiber is used to create an equilibrium modal distribution in multi-mode fiber. Also referred to as launching fiber.
LAY - The length measured along the axis of a wire or cable required for a single strand (in stranded wire) or conductor (in cable) to make one complete turn around the axis of the conductor or cable.
LBABAND - A band of microwave frequencies. See frequency band.
lbs - Abbreviation for pounds.
LDPE - Abbreviation for low density polyethylene.
LEACHING AND NON LEACHING - In a leaching wire, the plasticizer will migrate or leave the vinyl compound when exposed to the heat of baking. The wire so treated becomes brittle and hard. A non leaching wire will retain its plasticizer under extreme temperature conditions and remain flexible after baking. Non leaching wire is desirable for use as motor lead wire.
LEAD CURED - A cable that is cured or vulcanized in a metallic lead mold.
LEAD-IN - The cable that connects the active part of an aerial to the transmitter or receiver.
LEAKAGE - The passage of an electric current along a path other than that intended due to faulty insulation or isolation in a circuit, component, device, or other piece of apparatus.
LED - Abbreviation for light emitting diode.
LEVEL 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 - Underwriters Laboratories' performance designations for unshielded, twisted pair cables. See Category 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.
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