COAX - See coaxial cable.
COAXIAL CABLE - A cable in which one conductor completely surrounds the other, the two being coaxial and separated by a continuous solid dielectric or by dielectric spacers. When the outside conductor is grounded, the inside conductor is not susceptible to external fields from outside sources. Commonly called coax.
COIL - A coiled conductor, wound on a form or core which uses electromagnetic induction to cause changes in a current.
COLD BEND - Generally refers to a test to determine cable or wire characteristics at low temperatures.The test specimen and a specified mandrel are cooled in a low temperature box to the specified temperature. The wire specimen is then wound around the mandrel after which it is examined for cracks or other defects caused by bending at low temperatures.
COLD FLOW - Permanent deformation of the insulation due to mechanical force or pressure (not due to heat softening).
COLD TEST - Tests performed on cables to check their performance at a specified low temperature as outlined in various specifications.
COLOR CODE - Color code is the use of different colored insulated wires for purposes of identification in a multi-conductor cable.
COMMON AXIS CABLING - In multiple cable constructions, a twisting of all conductors around a “common axis” with two conductor groups then selected as pairs. This method yields smaller diameter constructions than does a separate axis construction, but tends to yield greater susceptible to EMI and ESI.
COMMUNITY TV CABLE - Community TV cables are coaxial cables that are used to transmit television signals from a master antenna to a group of receivers in a community. RG 17/U is used as the primary lead-in, RG 11/U as the secondary lead-in, and RG 59/U as the tap-off lead-in.
COMPACT CONDUCTOR - Refers to a stranded conductor which is rolled to deform the round wires to fill the normal interstices between the wires in a strand.
COMPOSITE CABLE - A cable consisting of two or more different types or sizes of wire and/or cable.
COMPOUND - An insulating or jacketing material made by the chemical union of two or more ingredients.
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