X - Symbol for reactance. See reactance.
X BAND - A band of microwave frequencies. See frequency band.
X GUIDE - A transmission line that is used for the propagation of surface waves and consists of a length of dielectric material with a X-shaped cross section.
X-100 - See FEP.
XETFE - Abbreviation for cross-linked extruded, modified ethylene tetrafluoroethylene copolymer. See ethylene tetrafluoroethylene.
XHHW - Cross-linked polyethylene insulated, rated at 90° C in dry locations and 75° C in wet locations.
XL - Abbreviation for cross-linked insulation. See cross-linked.
XL POLYOLEFIN - Cross-linked polyolefin.
XLAP - Abbreviation for cross-linked extruded alkane-imide polymer.
XLETFE - Abbreviation for cross-linked ethylene tetrafluoroethylene copolymer. See ethylene tetrafluoroethylene copolymer.
XLP - Abbreviation for cross-linked polyethylene. Also abbreviated as XLPE.
XLPA - Abbreviation for cross-linked extruded polyalkene.