NON MIGRATING - Same as non contaminating.
NONFERROUS - Not of iron. Refers to alloys which have no iron or steel as ingredients.
NPC - Abbreviation for nickel-plated copper. Also abbreviated as NC.
NPLF - Abbreviation for non power-limited fire protective signaling circuit cable.
NPLFP - Abbreviation for non power-limited fire protective signaling circuit plenum cable.
NPLFR - Abbreviation for non power-limited fire protective signaling circuit riser cable.
NRC - Abbreviation for Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
NUMERICAL APERTURE - In fiber optics, the sine of half the angle over which a fiber can accept light, it is a function of the relationship between the refractive index of the core and that of the cladding. It is the "light gathering ability" of a fiber, defining the maximum angle to the fiber axis at which light will be accepted and propagated through the fiber. Abbreviation NA. NA is also used to describe the angular spread of light from a central axis, as in exiting a fiber, emitting from a source, or entering a detector.
NYLON - A group of polyamide polymers which are used for wire and cable jacketing. Mechanical and chemical protection 105° C.
NYLON JACKETED - Refers to the outer covering of nylon on wire or cable which can either be an extruded layer or a braid of nylon filaments.