STRENGTH MEMBER - Included in a cable configuration for purposes of adding tensile strength only. Does not conduct any power or signal.
STRIP INSULALATIONS - Strip process insulation consists of one or more longitudinal strips of unvulcanized thermosetting material folded around a conductor and vulcanized after application.
SUBMARINE CABLE - Cable used underwater from one point to another for power or communication. Lead sheath and/or rubber jacket.
SUBSTRATE - Insulating material of a printed circuit.
SUGGESTED WORKING VOLTAGE - Usually refers to the AC voltage that can be applied between adjacent conductors.
SUPER HIGH FREQUENCY - See frequency band.
SUSCEPTANCE - Symbol B. The imaginary part of the admittance,
Y, which is given by:
Y = G + iB
G is the conductance and
i equals
. For a circuit containing both resistance,
R, and reactance,
X, the susceptance is given by:
B = -X / (R2 + X2)
SV - Vacuum cleaner cord 18/2, 300 volt, light duty rubber, portable.
SVO - Same as SV except with Neoprene® jacket. Neoprene® is a trademark of the DuPont de Nemours Co.
SVT - Same as SV except non marking plastic jacket.
SWEEP TEST - A method to determine the frequency response of a cable by generating an RF voltage whose frequency is varied at a rapid constant rate over a given range. A test commonly made on coaxial cables.
SWEPT COAX - Coaxial cable which has been checked by the sweep test and certified by the manufacturer.