SHF - Abbreviation for super high frequency. See frequency band.
SHIELD - In cables, a metallic layer placed around a conductor or group of conductors to prevent electrostatic or electromagnetic interference between the enclosed wires and external fields.
SHIELD COVERAGE (PERCENTAGE) - The physical area of a cable that is actually covered by the shielding material and is expressed in percent.
SHIELDED CONDUCTOR - An insulated conductor which has been shielded by a copper braid or tape, aluminum foil, copper foil, or a semi-conductive vinyl. The purpose is to confine the electrical field.
SHIELDED MULTI-CONDUCTOR CABLE - A cable with a multiplicity of conductors with a metallic or nonmetallic shield over the cable core.
SHORTS - Less than standard lengths of wire or cable which are generated by making cuts for special orders, i.e., remnants.
SHRINK TUBING - A thermoplastic tube, when heated, shrinks and cures to a smaller diameter. Used to seal joints, etc.
SHUNT WIRE - A conductor joining two parts of an electric circuit to divert part of the current.
SIGNAL - A current used to convey information, either digital, analog, audio, or video.
SIGNAL CABLE - A cable designed to carry current of less that 1 ampere per conductor.
SIGNAL GENERATOR - A device used to furnish current at a known frequency, modulated, and to deliver a measured voltage only at the terminals of the generator without appreciable radiation at any other point.
SIGNAL-TO-NOISE RATIO - At any point in an electronic circuit, device, or transmission system, the ratio of one parameter of a desired signal to the same or corresponding parameter of the noise. In broadcast communication the signal-to-noise ratio is often quoted in decibels and the noise parameter taken as its root mean square value.